Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sursum Corda

Marli referenced a book she enjoyed as a child today, "Karen", by Marie Killilea.

She mentioned that the Killilea family named their house "Sursum Corda", which is Latin for "Lift up your hearts".

I think it a terrific and heartening coincidence that one of my favourite quotes from Prime Minister Winston Churchill (who was in turn paraphrasing the Bible) is an excerpt from his June, 1941 address to the Allied Delegates:

Lift up your hearts, all will come right. Out of depths of sorrow and sacrifice will be born again the glory of mankind.

Winston Churchill
How's that for a propos?

Now, I'm not comparing being in the middle class with a decent income and two healthy boys (albeit one with autism) to facing the possibility of all free peoples being conquered by Fascism, but beautifully crafted words with an inspirational message sure can come in handy at times.

Here's a fun version of it set to a catchy beat:

Listen to the rhythm of his words. Amazing.

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