Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Vignette: Moving Day

Scene: Marli and Kozure washing dishes and cleaning up the kitchen and dining room after supper. As we have just begun the process of looking for a house to buy, we try to explain the concept to Daigoro.

Marli: We are looking to buy a house. We will move out of this house and move into another house.

Daigoro: We will buy a house? Go to a new house?

Kozure: Yes, Daigoro.

Daigoro: (considers, then looks challenged but determined) OK, I will take this truck. I can carry this toy (indicates toy in other hand) and you can carry this toy (he hands Kozure another toy, then begins bustling about as if to leave).

Both parents are a little taken aback until they figure out what Daigoro is talking about.

Marli: (smiling) We're not going right now, Daigoro. We will move later. We don't have to take everything right now. We will take everything when we go.

Daigoro: Oh. OK.

Marli: Do you think you will want to take your brother? Will he live with us?

Daigoro: (hesitates) Yes.

Marli: (teasingly) Will ba-chan live with us?

Daigoro: Yes. Ba-chan can live with us too. Maybe Uncle M- too!

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