Friday, April 04, 2008

School Daze

Daigoro started preschool at the beginning of this week (Monday, March 31st). I have to say that I'm pleasantly surprised at how quickly he seems to have adjusted - previous attempts at getting him to join in group activities like group songs have usually resulted in wandering attention after about two minutes.

He's attending a local preschool which is well integrated into the physical environment of the public school - erm - I should say "community school" - that the preschool shares facilities with. They also have good crossover with the higher level kindergarten-age caregivers, so there will be a good transition, I think, once Daigoro gets to be that age.

More to follow.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

I Walk the Line...

Kenshin walked a few faltering steps on this past Tuesday (April 1st), coincidentally the day after I had a dream about him walking (well, in the dream he was more bouncing up and down while standing, but one has to reach when trying to correlate dreams and reality sometimes).

I'm quite excited, as is he. Wednesday he tried to run from the couch to the coffee table which had been pushed about two metres away - he fell on his face, but it was a valiant effort. He's now making regular one or two step walks from one object to another.

Just in time for his first birthday, too!