Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Smiley Face

Kenshin is now smiling quite frequently. He lights up with happiness when he's feeling sociable. It's quite a sight. He continues to grow like a weed and is now big enough (at two months) to fit into 3-6 month clothing. Like a typical breast-fed baby, he has rolls upon rolls of fat. My mother says that my brother was once nicknamed "Bud" for his resemblance to the common Chinese and Japanese depiction of a laughing, obese incarnation of Buddha . Our not-so-little Kenshin seems to be following in his Uncle's footsteps. We occasionally call Kenshin "Pudge" for similar reasons.

Daigoro voluntarily used his potty yesterday for the very first time. We've been using a "wetting" doll (complete with potty) as an example for a few weeks now. He's been playing with the young three-year boy that I mentioned we met in the park and seems to have been inspired to trying going potty on his own. The three-year old (I'll develop an alias for him if it looks like he'll be a frequent playmate, as he seems to be becoming) appears to be a good influence on Daigoro, and vice versa.

He also seems to developed a taste for asparagus (Daigoro: " 'spargus"), which is great for nutrition but bad for diaper smell. If you haven't eaten asparagus recently (or not at all, or if you're not genetically pre-disposed), you're not likely to know what I mean, but I assure you, it's pungent.

Curiously, he also likes peas and brocolli, but is not a big fan of carrots, green beans, peppers or many other common vegetables. I don't know if this is some odd trend for him to like foods that children traditionally hate. Perhaps I should serve him some Brussel sprouts.

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