Thursday, November 22, 2007

Out of the Mouth of Parents, Part the Second

So, short little post, but I thought this one was funny enough to share.

I occasionally buy Daigoro and I a 10-pack of Tim Horton's Timbits. He seems to enjoy them and as long as we limit him to two or three (and share the rest with Marli), it's a relatively harmless and cheap snack.

The other day he was digging through the pack and he picked out a chocolate frosted one. I guess it was only lightly coated, because I think he thought it was a plain chocolate Timbit (no coating). So, he starts to get sugar coating on his hands, to which he reacts by saying,

"Oh! My hands are dirty,"

and scrubbing harder at them, using his Timbit like a sponge. This of course leads to more icing coming off on his hands and further consternation at the defilement of his fingers. To which I reply, without considering the absurdity of the statement,

"Please stop cleaning your hands with a Timbit, Daigoro."

Ah, parenthood. Dadaism got nothin' on you.

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