Tuesday, January 29, 2008

First Steps into a Larger World

You've taken your first step into a larger world.

-Obi-wan Kenobi
On Sunday last (January 27th), Daigoro identified and read the letters correctly in the word "stop". A small step, certainly, but considering how many billions of illiterate or semi-literate people there are in this world, reading is an advantage and a privilege we should all be thankful for.

S - T - O - P

Stop. Simple enough, one would think, but consider it for a moment: identifying four groups of lines and curves that stand for a sound and from thence an idea. Revolutionary (and evolutionary) for ancient man. Taken for granted by the modern.

Makes one consider what humans will consider so basic a concept in another 4-6,000 years (should we be lucky enough to survive that long).

We're deep in the middle of house-hunting right now, so reports will be even fewer and further between than previously.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Vignette: Moving Day

Scene: Marli and Kozure washing dishes and cleaning up the kitchen and dining room after supper. As we have just begun the process of looking for a house to buy, we try to explain the concept to Daigoro.

Marli: We are looking to buy a house. We will move out of this house and move into another house.

Daigoro: We will buy a house? Go to a new house?

Kozure: Yes, Daigoro.

Daigoro: (considers, then looks challenged but determined) OK, I will take this truck. I can carry this toy (indicates toy in other hand) and you can carry this toy (he hands Kozure another toy, then begins bustling about as if to leave).

Both parents are a little taken aback until they figure out what Daigoro is talking about.

Marli: (smiling) We're not going right now, Daigoro. We will move later. We don't have to take everything right now. We will take everything when we go.

Daigoro: Oh. OK.

Marli: Do you think you will want to take your brother? Will he live with us?

Daigoro: (hesitates) Yes.

Marli: (teasingly) Will ba-chan live with us?

Daigoro: Yes. Ba-chan can live with us too. Maybe Uncle M- too!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

It Begins...

Well, Kenshin decided to try to stand unsupported the day before yesterday (Thursday, January 10th). I imagine he'll be trying to walk in the next month to two months.

Fortunately by this point, he's already been cruising and pulling himself up for a while now, so most dangerous things at the 45cm - 90cm range have already been found and made safe. (lower lying threats already been found and removed) There's an interesting period as the baby grows where the bubble (Venn diagram) of dangerous interaction expands and contracts.

For example, when a baby is newborn, it can't really move or roll over, so aside from compensating for gravity or accidental turnovers, you can basically leave them on any (non-spiky, non-flamey, etc) flat surface. Not that we did, but in a pinch you could, if you needed to. When the baby learns to roll-over, the danger bubble expands to include rolling off said flat surface. When baby learns to sit up, there is initially a mild danger to placing baby on a hardwood floor or similar surface for fear of baby toppling and bonking its head on an unyielding substance, but eventually the chances of topplage are very low and that danger contracts. Around the same time, however, the babe figures out how to drag things down from higher levels, and you have to worry about tablecloths, extension cords, pots of boiling water and the like.

When crawling begins, you of course have things like edges and stairways to worry about, but also the objects you might have previously left on the floor thinking they were not likely to be interacted with. Similarly, even stationary objects (like hot water radiators) that you don't place them anywhere near suddenly enter into play.

When cruising starts, objects on low surfaces (sofa tops, coffee tables, etc) become fair game for baby. Now, with unsupported standing and walking on the horizon... well, the sky's the limit.

One who has been reading this blog up to this point will probably have figured out that although we take reasonable precautions against childhood trauma, I'm not a parent who is paranoid about safety and injury. I know of and have heard of parents who take what I feel are such restrictive precautions so as not to place their child in any chance of danger at all - they don't let the child climb in the playground, all toys are super-safe, foods are finely minced... etc. etc... I suppose my position is that, like so many other aspects of life, you have to find the right balance.

It's during these periods of transition, however, that you do have to be more vigilant than usual. Things that have since become almost zero-level threats for Daigoro (like choking hazards or electrical outlets) became dangerous again as Kenshin reached an age where he could interact with them again.

In other news, I had a great time with Daigoro on Thursday swimming at a indoor public pool near my parents' house; he seemed to have terrific fun. A stand-out happier memory for me in what has generally been a happy childhood thus far.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Vignette: "With Two and a Half you get Egg Roll"

Scene: Marli and Daigoro finishing up dinner. Daddy has retired to the computer room to wrestle with an annoying software installation problem.

Daigoro puts down his egg roll and walks over to mummy.

Marli: Daigoro, are your hands all greasy? Should we wash them?

Daigoro: (matter of factly) No, it's OK - I'm wiping them on mummy.